Carbon13 builds and backs ventures addressing Earth’s critical life support systems. Initially this means addressing the most urgent problem of our time – climate change.
Dr Nicky Dee
Nicky has pioneered many activities in the sustainability space to scale up impact from startups. This has included work with UNEP, Nesta, European Projects, Climate KIC, DfID, UK Gov. She has been an entrepreneur as well as worked directly with entrepreneurs and those who support them. She designed and delivered the Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards in partnership with CISL for several years which globally attracted thousands of entrepreneurs. She has engaged with many corporates through executive education and consultancy and developed frameworks to evaluate startup ecosystems which she has applied to many leading as well as emerging locations. Nicky is a fellow at CISL, the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership.
Our Why:
Carbon13 is a response to the climate emergency. We recognise that despite the increasing number of commitments to net zero emissions, there is still uncertainty on how to deliver. There are existing technologies to deploy but we also require innovation to reinvent the rules and therefore reimagine what is possible.
Carbon13 is not just about investing in a few startups, it is about harnessing the entrepreneurial spirit. That means engaging with academia, business, policy makers, NGOs, consumers, new standards and finance. We need pioneers across the spectrum and that is where our community is critical to the success of our ventures and the transformation we need to see.