Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more.

Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more.


Our Ventures



Remy leverages AI and automation to reduce household food waste by 70%, helping users effortlessly understand what’s in their kitchen, when it expires, and how they can use it while offering the option to buy what’s missing — directly from their smartphones. In doing so, Remy collects novel user emissions and behaviour data to drastically improve corporate partners’ Scope 3 emissions reporting, commercial strategies and waste mitigation efforts.



Eslando is a circular fashion tech startup on a mission to accelerate textile recycling. Our AI-powered sorting technology leverages digital product passports to sorts textile waste with pinpoint accuracy. Our solution slashes landfill waste, empowers fashion brands and waste management companies to efficiently recover materials at scale.

Biomanufacturing is at a pivotal moment, needing accelerated R&D to unleash its full potential, currently constrained by traditional and iterative lab-centric methods.’s solution: digital-first experimentation through a digital twin of microbial fermentation, a strategy that promises to redefine efficiency and innovation in the sector.

Mozaic Earth

Mozaic Earth

Mozaic Earth is empowering communities to become guardians of nature through tech-driven, high-frequency biodiversity data collection system to catalyze $1 trillion in private capital flow for transparent and impactful naturepositive initiatives.



Cbamboo’s mission is to drive firms to decarbonise their supply chains and minimise their carbon border taxes. Our software platform will keep companies compliant with the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, a new law applicable to EU importers in dozens of industries.
We are developing AI tools to analyse embodied carbon, forecast CBAM costs, model the knock-on effects on prices, and report back on resulting sustainability metrics. Our products will address the needs of importers, who pay CBAM directly, as well as their suppliers and their customers. As carbon border taxes evolve and spread worldwide, Cbamboo plans to be at the forefront of helping firms to integrate these taxes into their management decisions.



Fluorinated gases (F-gases) are manufactured chemicals which play a critical role in cooling, refrigeration and electricity transmission globally. However, most are extremely potent greenhouse gases, thousands of times more powerful than CO2 and making up a similar share of emissions as global aviation. Climate-i is building technology to predict equipment failure, improve system reliability and efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of cooling, refrigeration and electricity transmission. Our team is experienced in the development of AI/ML software, IoT systems and sensor hardware, allowing us to seamlessly integrate hardware and software as a service.



Kestrix is using mass drone image capture and AI to unlock building portfolio decarbonisation at scale. By mapping regions with drones and extracting retrofit-relevant data from images using computer vision and machine learning, Kestrix paints a picture of the real-world energy performance in any building and shows retrofit opportunities in seconds – saving portfolio owners and operators retrofit planning time and de-risking large-scale projects.



SeedCulture helps organisations to embed sustainability into their culture by upskilling and mobilising employees to deliver on their team’s sustainability targets. Their gamified sustainability learning and engagement platform combines behavioural science, AI and a data-first approach, to scale sustainability awareness and competency across the workforce – and turn this into behaviours that are good for business and the planet.



Fidata is a one-stop digital platform where investment managers can access all impact data generated by their sustainable investments.

Fidata’s unique technology will automatically collect, correct, benchmark, and predict impact data, giving peace of mind to investment managers to effortlessly report their impact and meet their regulatory reporting obligations.

Pattern Project

Pattern Project

Pattern Project offers an AI-driven supply chain and digital twin service for made-to-order garment manufacturing, enabling the fashion industry to move away from mass manufacturing and eliminate the overproduction of 30 billion garments annually. Their service optimises production, reduces waste, and enables more sustainable fashion production.



xtonnes is next generation carbon management platform empowering enterprises of any size to reduce emissions and start their journey to Net Zero. Using minimal data combined with state-of-the-art data science, businesses can begin to take control of their emissions in minutes, effortlessly remain up to date with changes to reporting standards, discover ways to reduce their footprints and achieve science-based targets.​



lmproving the way investors understand, quantify and report on climate risk. ​

ReScope are developing the next generation scenario analysis tool that will enable investors to improve the resilience of their assets, develop more sustainable investment strategies, as well as respond to climate risk reporting mandates.​



As a Carbon Twin, Preoptima mirrors every design choice, instantly evaluating the whole life carbon (WLC) impact of decisions. Both their Web App and API provide unprecedented access to real-time carbon impact data, an accurate bill of quantities, and associated material and structural impact information. By harnessing the power of geolocation and real-time analysis, Preoptima allows users to visualise and understand the WLC footprint of their projects from the earliest stages, helping avoid embodied carbon and reduce emissions from the outset.



Canefin’s mission is to reduce the cost of credit to achieve Net Zero.

Private finance has a crucial role to play in our transition to Net Zero. However, many green finance products accessible to individuals or SMEs are not fit for purpose – lenders cannot quantify the carbon impact of the loans they make, and do not price in incentives to encourage action.

Canefin is a new lender that changes this. Starting by helping homeowners spread the cost of their home energy efficiency improvements, we measure the carbon emission impact of each loan we make, and use the proceeds from the sale of carbon credits to reduce the loan APR, making it cheaper and easier for homeowners to decarbonise their homes.



Offgrid.Finance works with clean and productive-use technology vendors to provide financing to their SME customers in emerging markets. The online platform uses advanced risk analytics and AI to connect green capital and impact investors to small and growing businesses and solve one of their biggest problems: access to capital, enabling them to both grow and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions​.



Mapmortar is supercharging retrofit strategies. Their breakthrough proprietary simulation technology helps organisations understand how to achieve net zero for entire portfolios three times as fast, with twice the accuracy.



Kita’s vision is to be the world’s first carbon insurer, de-risking carbon removal solutions to accelerate their ability to scale. ​

The climate crisis requires carbon removal solutions to remove carbon from the atmosphere. Many carbon removal solutions rely on revenue from selling carbon units on the voluntary carbon markets. However, these units lack tailored insurance products for their key risks, particularly under-delivery on pre-paid contracts.​

Kita removes this “carbon delivery risk” from sellers and buyers in the market, using insurance products that guarantee the quality and delivery of carbon units and carbon removal solutions.​